studentsGood Kids

President’s Message

November 2015

From the President…

We are nearing the close of another school year in Baltimore County. As an organization, EXPECT remains committed to its original intent to promote and advocate for equitable and effective educational outcomes and to ensure that all students in Baltimore County Public Schools regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other background factor are optimally prepared for success during their schooling and into the future.

Our goal is to bring forth the necessary information required to help inform, guide, and alert those who are concerned about education issues in Baltimore County. After all, the future of this county is inextricably linked to the education of its children.

We are currently launching our membership drive. Membership is free. By joining, members will be updated about topics and events pertinent to schools and education at the local, state, and national levels. We plan to utilize technology and engage our members and the public in discussing key issues, such as academic achievement, budget, scheduling, school board selection, and the ever important school system transparency, etc.

EXPECT will continue to involve the community broadly by obtaining as many new members as possible prior to the opening of schools in Fall 2015. We encourage you, family, and friends to join us as we continue our focus on accomplishing academic excellence for all students. We need your help and cannot be successful without your voice at the table.

EXPECT is excited and has a lot in store for our members in 2015. We will be posting interviews with leaders and articles in an effort to disseminate facts about programs implemented in schools. Our website will be providing a variety of resources, such as reports and data on the status of education among minority and other student groups in Baltimore County.

In closing, we wish all residents in Baltimore County a wealth of opportunities, increased knowledge, and prosperity.

Ramona Johnson